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Follow your own path - how to connect to your inner voice - surrender to the universe

As a little child I would draw pictures of myself, people and other scenes and in the corner I would draw a triangle with an eye. I imagined God was up there looking down on me. It always was a loving and supportive God for me. One that protected me.

In my home I did not always felt seen and protected as a child… but that is a story for another time.

Up to today I have that belief, that there is a loving supporting force, that is guiding the way and that always wants the best for each and everyone of us. Today I don’t always call it God. Sometimes I call it the universe and sometimes a higher power, but I also call it „the inner guidance“.

Back in my childhood I would not understand, when we would sing in church, that God is in everyone of us. „How could that be?“ I thought, we are different people and he is out there.

But today I understand.

It is life itself, the life force and of course it is in each and everyone of us. And when we are connected to the love and peace, to that quiet knowledge inside of us, we create.

Our purpose in my opinion is to create and not only to survive, neither to destroy.

So how can we connect to that voice, that knowledge?

Sometimes when things do not go the way we expect them to go it is tough to keep the faith. Isn’t it?

I can tell you for me it is!

So we will start looking for ways to get back into that connection.

In its book „The power of intention“ Dr. Wayne Dyer calls that flow that we can step into, when we connect with that part in us that is a creator, that is connected, that can hear „the voice of God“, intention.

He explains, that there are 4 stages to intention: discipline, wisdom, love, surrender.

Now let me tell you how I understand those 4 stages on our way to connectedness (=intention).

Discipline means to me committing to a spiritual practice, a meditation practice, a journaling practice, a routine in other words. With your commitment to your practice you are saying YES to the person that you want to be and can become.

Discipline is a framework that is giving you a sense of stability, that is rooting you. With roots you can grow big. Right?

Many of us misunderstand discipline as something hard. It is not supposed to be hard. It is supposed to be nurturing. If your practice or routine feels to hard and not nurturing, change your routine. It is supposed to support you.


With that groundwork of your practice, there is a part in you that will deeply breath out, that will feel you can finally lean back. And that is good. We are moving out of survival, where the focus is on the next challenge and the next challenge and the next challenge and we feel rooted and supported through the daily practice. Now our mind and our being is free to go discover, ponder new ideas, reflect on old ones and gain wisdom out of it. AHA moments about yourself and life.

And with that wisdom you will relax more and more and your focus might shift from „what do I need right now“ to higher values and maybe even other people, the community of humans. And as you do that with curiosity you are in a state of love. Isn’t that right?

You are so relaxed now, that you do what you do with love and you focus more on what you love and you do that - because you moved out of survival and into enjoying life and having purpose of life. This stage is where we have let go of our narrow Ego-mind wants, that we developed out of fear and towards something more purposeful. I would say we also feel much more relaxed, hopeful and sometimes even certain that it will all work out.

Now my love, it gets a little tricky. Our mind tells us „yeey I am there!“ and it is easy for us to surrender in that high state of being.

At least for me it is, when I feel all that love and I gained wisdom and I am like „Yes! I got it!“ and I say „I can lean back and surrender. Everything is going so well!“. And I do.


Life means constant change and we are constantly growing. So as we went through the 4 stages, at some point a new cycle starts and we are dazzled and now it is not quite that easy anymore to just surrender. But, we just have been there and we want to get back to that flowy flow feeling and we want to have faith.

Now it is more important than ever to keep surrendering AND at the same time focus on our practice. Because change can be pretty scary and when something is new, we almost feel like something is going wrong. Because we were used to being Pros and now we are all over sudden Newbies.

The practice once again will strengthen our roots and we can walk through the stages again.

I have been a student of „A course in miracles“ for decades and I am keeping up my meditation practice daily and I have many, many tools how to strengthen that connection with my inner voice and with the loving universe.

Because I know, how helpful a structure and different kinds of inspirations on how to connect to yourself again can be, I created the course „That place in you“ (Deutsch: „Dein Platz in Dir“).

The roots that we grow in the course through daily practice and the wisdom we gain is through meditation, gratitude, inner child work, intention setting, breath- and body focus.

And of course there is lots and lots of love in the course, because I want you to connect back with the love in you and we tend to vibe on the frequency we are surrounded by (or you could say, your mirror neurons will respond to the love they detect).

Another reason why will feel the love, is because I love what I do and if I don’t love it I would not do it.

So beautiful one, start or get on with your practice and if you want some inspiration from me, you ll find the course here.



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